Supervision for BCaBA or BCBA Certification
At Connect Plus Therapy, we believe strongly in mentoring our staff, particularly those seeking certification in the field of ABA. For any staff who are actively enrolled in an ABA Approved Course Sequence for either the BCaBA or BCBA, we will help provide the required Supervision of the experience hours necessary to qualify to sit for the BCBA exam. Our supervision model follows all regulations based on the current BACB standards, including the 5th edition supervision requirements.
In exchange for your supervision hours provided by a Connect Plus Therapy BCBA, the student will be required to work for six months after completing their supervision hours. The student can work in any capacity at CPT during this time period.
First-Time Pass-Rate for BCBA Candidates
Unrestricted Experience Opportunities
- Participating in conducting assessments in order to develop treatment plan goals
- Conducting preference assessments
- Recording video while observing sessions to aid in data analysis and progress monitoring of programming
- Creating video modeling materials for use in programming
- Assisting with creating specific teaching materials for programs
- Researching ABA literature on particular subjects pertaining to client service delivery to ensure best practice
- Working within the online data platform for program development and data collection, including entering raw data for graphing and analysis
- Assisting in the development of programming and provide client support during the summer camp program
Frequently Asked Questions
This will vary depending on how many cases you are assigned to. A BCBA oversees each case; many of our BCBAs have completed their 8-hour supervision course, so they can supervise you on each case you work together on.
1:1 supervision is also provided in a didactic style for approximately one hour per week with the Clinical Director or Clinical Supervisor. During these supervision sessions, you will gain practice discussing ABA technically and scientifically. You and the supervisor may also review test mocks for exam practice.
Our training supervisor offers monthly group supervision meetings. Individual supervision is also provided on-site with clients, and indirect work pertaining to cases shared by the BCBA and supervisee may be completed remotely as assigned by the supervising BCBA.
Over the years, we have supervised dozens of ABA students aspiring to become BCBAs. The clinical team has a wealth of experience supervising students. Our supervision model is friendly, informative, and goal oriented.
For more information on our hiring process, please contact